Monday, February 13, 2012

I hate dreams!


Stu stu stu stu stu-pid dream! Hadn't sleep well last night due to the S T U P I D , I D I O T dream.. The dream felt so real. IdiotS, I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU if you come across my dream again! Damn you!! Too many scenes, too many peoples. The dream were all about running running and running! 
One morning, a group of peoples decided to go school for studies. But, this very troublesome girl said she couldn't make it so we gathered at Servay, Morsjaya first. After waiting for some time, no one reached except for another two girls. So we decided to walk to other places. The scene changed to Pustaka Miri where all the places around were flooded. The two girls were missing and I was with a guy on a "rakit". ~.~ Then the scene changed again, the two girls and I walking around the shop logs. Passed by a kopitiam a few guys laughed at us but we ignored them. And the dream messed up again i could only remember that all the three of us were separated and got chased and disturbed by those fat and thin I D I O T S! Its all about running again! RUN!!!!! Luckily there was one police car passed and dropped by the place i was. and yeah i got rescued! 

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. What a dream! ~.~
I hate dreams!!! :O

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